Now for the last milestone I achieved
before I started writing this blog - the first time I saw another person's color. Auras still have an elusive quality to me. One where I want to hold onto the sight, but as soon as I try, I can't. I remember the memory, but have trouble remembering the experience. I have to remember to trust myself because as soon as I can't see the color anymore, I have a tendency to want to think I imagined it... even though I know I didn't.
It was at an alumni gathering for my grandfather's alma mater (and the school I'm attending in the fall). We started out with some entertainment by two music students, an opera singer and pianist. I concentrated on their auras while they performed, and had my usual results - I could see the glowing halo around their heads, but nothing else.
Then the president of the university came up to speak. I focused on him just like I focus on the pastors at church, just like I focus on myself in the mirror, and just like I do with the cross exercise. I began to see the outline glow and then all at once, I saw a big halo of color surrounding him. It radiated out about two feet on all sides of him.
I remember remembering the color, but I don't remember what it was. I remember that it was the same as mine, but if you were to ask me to reach back into my memory and see the color now, I couldn't do it. I didn't have "ideal" conditions, which is one reason I tend to not trust myself. The background was a dark colored and patterned wallpaper - not plain white. So I don't trust myself that I saw the right color. But at the time I just
It's hard to shake the elusiveness... but it's a start. It's the first time I saw someone else's color. I suppose it's just a matter of practicing more.