About this blog

Before I turn 30, I want to learn to see and read auras.  I've already started on this journey and technically you could say I already can.  However, not nearly to the level of proficiency I'd like.  This blog is about my journey to learn to see and read auras.
I'm not here to convince you that people have auras, or that they can be seen with the naked eye.  If this is not something you think is possible, then maybe this isn't the right blog for you to read.  

However, I believe that everyone has the ability to see auras, but that our culture has conditioned us NOT to.  The fact that I am successfully learning the skill is testament to that.  In this blog, I will document my experiences and observations in learning this skill.  I will also provide resources, links, and tips that I find useful.  I hope that my experiences will helpful to others who are also learning to see auras.  And of course, I welcome input, suggestions and feedback from readers.