Saturday, June 12, 2010

How to see your aura in the mirror

Seeing your aura in the mirror is no different than seeing someone else's aura or even working on the cross concentration exercise.

1. Sit in a room, where you have a plain white wall, a mirror, and low lighting.  You might be here a while, so preferably find a place where you won't be disturbed for a while.

2.  Dim the lights.  Lighting should be away from you - not directly in front of you where you will be staring at it.  Behind you works well, as does off to the side.  A small table lamp is good enough.  You want to be able to see, but using dim light will allow you to see your auric glow much easier.

3.  Sit at least 3 feet in front of the mirror.

4.  Choose a point in the middle of your forehead to stare at.  If you find it difficult to focus on one spot, you can draw a small dot in the center of your forehead, just above and between your eyes.  Use that to focus on just like you did in the focusing exercise.

5.  Using peripheral vision, stare at the point on your forehead.  It helps to unfocus your eyes.

6.  You will start to see a white glow around your head, shoulders, and body.  This is the first layer of your aura.

7.  Keep looking.  Eventually you will start to see fleck of color.  If you stay focused and hold the gaze, the flecks of color will begin to get bigger and take shape.  Don't be deterred if you start to feel like the colors in the room start to feel like they are enhanced, or if they feel a bit hazy.  This is part of the process.  It might take a while to start to see colors.  Keep practicing, you'll get it eventually.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Akiane - Indigo child

This doesn't relate directly to seeing auras, but I came across this girl while I was looking up information about Indigo children (referring to people with indigo auras, mostly children at this time).  This girl is truly amazing, and it has been a long time since I have felt this inspired.  She has a lot to teach us: