Since November:
My best friend's 2-year old daughter could see aura colors when I asked her back in January.
I said "Emily, do you see any color around my face and above my head."
She looked and me and replied "Yes."
I said, "What color do you see?"
I told her mother about this, and she was skeptical, but interested. At home, a couple weeks later, she asked her daughter again what colors she saw. Emily said she saw blue around her mother and 4-year old brother, and orange around her newborn sister.
Little kids can see auras... sadly, the ability gets lost. I asked Emily again about 4 months after that what color she saw above my head and she said black (the color of my hair).
"No," I said, "not my hair, do you see anything above my head?"
And she looked at me blankly.
Maybe she was distracted... maybe she can only see colors in prime conditions... I will ask ask again... but I suspect aura colors have been deemed unimportant to her life and she is losing the ability to see them.
It is now July, and I have also stagnated on my ability to see auras. I won't bother giving you any excuses because that's all they will be: excuses.
Setting My Intention
For the past 2 months I've been doing a daily yoga practice, which I've been intermittently blogginig about as well. But it's giving me a discipline that I've lacked in my life. Even on the days when I don't feel like doing yoga, I muster up the strength to get on my mat for 30 minutes, and I never regret it. I'm stronger, more flexible, calmer, crave cleaner, healthier foods, and don't desire alcohol the same way that I used to. This is a life long practice.
You're probably wondering what all this has to do with seeing auras. Well... to get myself to do yoga, every day, even on the days when I didn't want to and couldn't make myself see the benefits, I created a challenge for myself. After doing yoga for 30 continuous days without missing any days, I could reward myself with an "Om" bead for my Pandora bracelet. The incentive worked like a charm... it was a motivator and something to work towards.
So... in that vein, I'm setting a similar challenge for myself. When I can see my boyfriend's aura colors clearly, I can get 2 beads for my bracelet - one in each my life colors: violet & yellow. As part of this intention, I am adding to my daily routine at least 5 minutes of aura exercises everyday.