Friday, April 30, 2010

Now I can see Yellow

I had an interesting experience last week that I meant to write about sooner, but you know how time slips away sometimes... Well, anyway, I got in a little disagreement with my grandmother and said some unkind words to her.  I felt really bad about it and apologized right away, but I was still angry so I took some time out and went into another room to cool off.

About two hours later, I walked into my room, looked in the mirror and saw bright yellow glowing around me.  At first I thought I was seeing a reflection from the light behind me, but the yellow was so bright and it was shaped like me and it expanded around me, it couldn't have been from the light.  I decided to take a look at my color, and what I saw was different from what I have ever seen before.  I could see the yellow in my aura again, but it was dark and muddy around my face.  The violet was there too, but it was more like a deep, dark, rich purple.

I thought it had something to do with the fact that my grandmother and I had just had a little argument.  Our auras record our emotions and you can see how someone is feeling.  I think the darker colors have something to do with that.

I went back to the same spot I was in when I saw the bright yellow just to confirm once again that it hadn't been coming from the light and I didn't see it this time, so I know it was my aura.  I have to stop second guessing myself so much.  I know what I see... sometimes I just test myself because I don't have anyone else to confirm what I'm seeing with.

I can see yellow in my aunt's aura too.  I saw yellow and violet in her and she had a reading with a psychic who sees the colors and she confirmed it.  Again, I need to trust myself more.  I know what I see, I just need to trust.

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