Sunday, April 18, 2010

What seeing violet showed me

I can see violet very easily.  If someone has any violet, anywhere in their aura,  I can see it.  And that's about it... at this moment, I have difficulty seeing other colors.  Violet *is* the easiest color to see because it vibrates at the highest frequency, which explains why I have the easiest time seeing it.  At church this  morning, I saw the violet in the minister for the first time.  It's not her main life color, it was above her head a bit, but it extended about 3 feet on either side of her.  It was big and expansive.  I am curious to see what else is in there.

I have a feeling I am very close to seeing the other colors.  I will step into that world and know that I already can.

I had a private reading with psychic Pam Oslie last week and I asked her about how I could see auras easier.  I am looking for the quick-fix-take-this-pill-and-you'll-see-them-all-instantly answer.  Unfortunately, that's not the answer I got.  She told me to practice and to relax.  I can understand that - sometimes I give myself a headache looking at people's auras, especially at church.  It gets easier each time, so I know I am close.

The other thing she told me to do was to focus on how this can help people.  And she is right.  Sure, it's cool and exciting and fun, but there has to be more to it.  Reading the description of my color was such a transformational moment for me, I know other people can have the same experience.  Knowing who you are, putting all the pieces of your being together to have that "aha" moment, to have a deeper understanding of yourself - that's where the magic lies.  Align yourself with your color, with your true nature, and you are unstoppable.

But there's more.  It goes WAY beyond seeing auras, it goes way beyond a "personality" test or way of understanding yourself.  Seeing auras was my entry into something MUCH MUCH deeper.  Nothing that I hadn't heard of and played around with before, mind you.  But seeing auras gave me the understanding that there is much more to life than what we are taught to believe and what we are taught to see.  In our culture, we are not taught to pay attention to auras - we only see a very limited reality.  Yet, auras are right there for anyone to see.

We are much more powerful than we are taught to believe - we can really and literally, create whatever we want for ourselves.  We can have whatever we truly believe we can.  I had this experience:  I decided I wanted to get my MBA and began looking at schools.  I **knew** beyond a shadow of a doubt that I would get into the University of Rochester.  In fact, I looked at it as a shoein and it was my backup school.  No doubt, whatsoever.  However, I was fearful about how much it would cost.  It was double the price of the University of British Columbia and I felt much more comfortable, in fact confident about being able to get student loans for that school.  Well, to make a long story short, what it came down to was this:  The only school I was accepted to was Rochester.  And I got nearly a half scholarship from the school, which brought tuition down to the price for UBC.  And actually even cheaper because I can live with my grandparents and don't have to pay rent.  Now I have decided to pay for my entire tuition through scholarships.

That's when it clicked for me - I had literally created that in my life.  And got exactly what I asked for.  I have so many examples of those experiences.  Now I can do it consciously.  This is something *anyone* can do.  That's one thing seeing auras taught me - that there is more than to life than we are taught, that we are more powerful than we are taught.  We can really have anything we want.  We can create anything.  I believe it cause I can see what I couldn't see before.  Seeing auras has expanded my perception of reality, expanded what I thought was possible.  They have been there the whole time, right in front of me, they are there for everyone to see.  Most people just don't.

I am sharing this because I want everyone to be able to consciously create their own lives.  Its so much more fun this way.  So much more empowering.  All I want to do is talk about it with other spiritual people.  I want to sit down and pick their brains.  This feels so big and so expansive.  I want to keep playing, keep creating my life, creating my reality.

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