I have two things to share this evening:
1. Violet, Violet Everywhere
I've said before that violet is the easiest color for me to see, though up until this point, I have had to spend quite some time staring at someone in order to see it. Well, twice last week, I saw violet coming from one of my classmates. The first time he was asking a question in finance class and I glanced over to look at him while he was speaking and I saw a violet haze around his face. The second time I was in a team meeting with him and we were going over an assignment. Again, I glanced over in his direction and saw a beam of violet light coming from the top of his head and going all the way up the ceiling. When I saw it, I followed it up with my eyes, and quickly realized how odd that must have looked to him. But both times, it came freely, easily, and automatically.
I think its important to acknowledge the experiences I asked for when they appear in my life.
2. Dreams of Blue
The passed couple of weeks, I've had extremely active dreams. As in, I wake up feeling exhausted because I've been running around and working so hard all night in my dreams. Two nights ago, I dreamt I was doing some things that defied the "laws of physics," such as floating unsupported in mid air, and sliding along a floor at an increasing speed for a sustained period of time with nothing pushing or propelling me forward.
Last night, I decided that as long as I was so active at night, I might as well use it to my advantage. I reinstated my auto suggestion before I went to sleep, that I'd been doing a bit before school started, where I said to myself before I fell asleep, "tonight I will see human aura colors freely, easily, and automatically in my dreams." I'd done this before, mind you, and nothing happened.
But last night was different. In my dream, I was at school and there were two rows of people facing each other. Suddenly, without warning or effort, I saw a hazy cyan-blue light appear around the face of the girl in front of me. Even in my dream it was a bit of a shock because it was the first time I'd seen blue, and it was the first time I'd seen an aura that completely and that effortlessly. I turned to my friend sitting next to me and whispered, "she's blue."
And that was the dream. Now I need to move that experience into my waking reality.
I do believe in the power of dreams. I have read that professional athletes use their dreams to improve their game. They do just I what did, where they give themselves an auto-suggestion before they go to sleep, and use the power of the dreams to visualize what they choose to achieve in their waking lives. That's actually how I learned about this technique. Of course, I'll keep you posted on how it's going, but I am quite pleased... I am making progress in both my dream state and my waking state.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Lots of Blue
Once a month (or there abouts) seems to be a reasonable time to update my blog. I've been hesitant to post lately because there are people at my school following me on Buzz... but alas... that's not a good enough reason to discontinue recording my experiences...
As I reported earlier, I see white halos around people's head reasonably well while I'm in class. Sometimes I see hints of colors in that ethereal body... mostly yellow, green, and blue. Not as prominent as the life colors are, but they are there nonetheless.
I was in a study room a couple weeks ago with someone who was wearing a bright yellow shirt. It was hard to look at because I kept seeing blue all around it. (That auric pair color of yellow.) I thank the Universe for letting me see it, because I do not want it to go away, but I it is slightly annoying too because I know it is not the aura, just the color off the shirt.
Now for some theory and ideas about how this all works: I have a friend who I think has a blue aura. I haven't seen it, but she is very nurturing and very caring. She has two kids and she is the best mother I have ever seen... I love watching her interact with her children. That is a very blue trait. Well... I have another friend, who I also believe has a blue aura. The two of them met the other day, for Halloween when we took the kids trick-or-treating. And my friend's youngest daughter (18 months old) was holding my other friend's hand and said to him, "like you."
That was the sweetest thing... they had just met about an hour before. Now, here's what I think. I think the little girl, could see his aura and it is the same color as her mother's. I've read that babies gravitate toward people who have the same aura colors as their parents, which would explain why she immediately liked him. And of course he liked her too, cause he loves kids... :) Now that she's talking I want to ask her if she can see any color around people's heads. I'm very curious... I bet she can.
As I reported earlier, I see white halos around people's head reasonably well while I'm in class. Sometimes I see hints of colors in that ethereal body... mostly yellow, green, and blue. Not as prominent as the life colors are, but they are there nonetheless.
I was in a study room a couple weeks ago with someone who was wearing a bright yellow shirt. It was hard to look at because I kept seeing blue all around it. (That auric pair color of yellow.) I thank the Universe for letting me see it, because I do not want it to go away, but I it is slightly annoying too because I know it is not the aura, just the color off the shirt.
Now for some theory and ideas about how this all works: I have a friend who I think has a blue aura. I haven't seen it, but she is very nurturing and very caring. She has two kids and she is the best mother I have ever seen... I love watching her interact with her children. That is a very blue trait. Well... I have another friend, who I also believe has a blue aura. The two of them met the other day, for Halloween when we took the kids trick-or-treating. And my friend's youngest daughter (18 months old) was holding my other friend's hand and said to him, "like you."
That was the sweetest thing... they had just met about an hour before. Now, here's what I think. I think the little girl, could see his aura and it is the same color as her mother's. I've read that babies gravitate toward people who have the same aura colors as their parents, which would explain why she immediately liked him. And of course he liked her too, cause he loves kids... :) Now that she's talking I want to ask her if she can see any color around people's heads. I'm very curious... I bet she can.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Aura Viewing at Rochester
I've been in school now for three weeks, sitting in class with 60+ people for 3 to 6 hours four days a week. That doesn't include group meetings, professional development events, clubs, and activities. It's busy, yes, but what that means is that I have a large sample and a lot of time with people with auras. The monotone gray background in all the classrooms, making for prime viewing. And I'm seeing auras quite easily. Easily and automatically (more on that in a moment.)
I have not yet seen "life colors," but I am seeing the ethereal body around people's heads and shoulders, which starts out looking like a whitish glow, but now that I have more experience, I am starting to see color in that. I saw bluish-green around my teammate's head this morning. And the other day I saw a yellow halo, almost around another student. I was sitting across the room from her, and I kept starting at her. It was about a foot away from her body on all sides. She's actually a teammate too.
Now, back to "easily and automatically." I've been giving myself the suggestion before I go fall asleep that I can see human aura colors easily and automatically. I'm telling my conscious mind what I want in my life and it's giving it to me. Since I started doing that, I've been seeing them much easier and more automatically than more. Imagine that. I will keep playing with it and see what else I can do.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Kids can see auras
It's been confirmed... kids can see the aura colors.
My aunt Lynne, asked her 3-year old granddaughter, "Kole, do you see any color above my head?" Kole replied, "Yellow."
Which corresponds with what I saw for Lynne. I saw yellow and violet with some blank spaces, where the green that Pam said she has in her aura probably is. I'm quite excited about this. I've heard that children up to the age of about 5 can see auras, but I haven't confirmed it personally until now. So it's true.
What makes this even more exciting is that it means that I probably saw auras when I was a child too, and so did everybody. I'm playing with the ideas that everything that is exists in the moment and there is no time lag. That I have access NOW to everything I was in the past and everything I will be in the future. To put it another way, the child is still the same person she will be when she's an adult... the acorn grows into the oak tree. It comes from the same "stuff" that was in the acorn, it has just grown into a different form. But it's still what it is.
I am still the same person I was as a child, when I could see auras naturally. I still have access to that part of myself. And I have access to it now, because I am that person. Which means I can see auras, easily and naturally, because I am that child that does it automatically.
Have I explained that clearly? It's quite profound. I'm excited. I'll let you know how it goes.
My aunt Lynne, asked her 3-year old granddaughter, "Kole, do you see any color above my head?" Kole replied, "Yellow."
Which corresponds with what I saw for Lynne. I saw yellow and violet with some blank spaces, where the green that Pam said she has in her aura probably is. I'm quite excited about this. I've heard that children up to the age of about 5 can see auras, but I haven't confirmed it personally until now. So it's true.
What makes this even more exciting is that it means that I probably saw auras when I was a child too, and so did everybody. I'm playing with the ideas that everything that is exists in the moment and there is no time lag. That I have access NOW to everything I was in the past and everything I will be in the future. To put it another way, the child is still the same person she will be when she's an adult... the acorn grows into the oak tree. It comes from the same "stuff" that was in the acorn, it has just grown into a different form. But it's still what it is.
I am still the same person I was as a child, when I could see auras naturally. I still have access to that part of myself. And I have access to it now, because I am that person. Which means I can see auras, easily and naturally, because I am that child that does it automatically.
Have I explained that clearly? It's quite profound. I'm excited. I'll let you know how it goes.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Deepening affect of seeing auras #3
No fear of death
Seeing the unseen triggered something in me that made me open and ready for new ideas... for things that we aren't taught in our culture... for things that aren't perceived by most people. I am receptive to these ideas. I feel like I got a foundation with my upbringing as a Christian Scientist. This is a lot of the stuff I was taught as a child, only it goes much deeper than CS goes and doesn't involve all the Christian dogma. In CS we are taught that there is no death and that life is eternal... that death is an illusion, that the material world is an illusion. But that's as far as it goes. The main text of the religion states all this, but doesn't explain it, doesn't even allow for scientific evidence, ironically, even though the religion has the word "science" in the name.
Now I have a new understanding. I can see that we are more than our physical bodies, that we are more than we are trained to believe we are. That we are more powerful and more unlimited and more creative than we are taught, than we believe. I've seen it. And we are here to express our creativity, to create whatever it is we want, to learn how to create our own reality. That's what I'm experimenting with now, consciously.
But it doesn't end when we "die". We are too creative, too intelligent, too adventurous for that. We keep going on. We reincarnate and come back to try something else. I've been reading all about it, I've heard people talk about near death experiences and what it was like on the other side. (If you are interested this is a fascinating show: Prana, near death experiences.) I've talked to a psychic who contacted my mother who is perfectly happy where she is and doing just fine. I feel like I have an understanding of what happens now and so I have no fear. I do not fear blanking out into a void of unconsciousness, my understanding now is that consciousness never dies, it continues on forever.
Consciousness seems to be the key to it all. We are not our bodies, but we identify with them so much we feel like we are. We are not even our consciousness, it is a tool we use for creation and consciousness doesn't die. We are conscious in our dreams - it is just a different state of consciousness. We still perceive our surroundings and events take place - our experiences are very real to our minds, and I would say they are very real to our consciousness. The same is true in "death". It is just a different state of consciousness. We are not in our bodies anymore, but we are still aware. I don't fear death now because I feel like I understand it.
Seeing the unseen triggered something in me that made me open and ready for new ideas... for things that we aren't taught in our culture... for things that aren't perceived by most people. I am receptive to these ideas. I feel like I got a foundation with my upbringing as a Christian Scientist. This is a lot of the stuff I was taught as a child, only it goes much deeper than CS goes and doesn't involve all the Christian dogma. In CS we are taught that there is no death and that life is eternal... that death is an illusion, that the material world is an illusion. But that's as far as it goes. The main text of the religion states all this, but doesn't explain it, doesn't even allow for scientific evidence, ironically, even though the religion has the word "science" in the name.
Now I have a new understanding. I can see that we are more than our physical bodies, that we are more than we are trained to believe we are. That we are more powerful and more unlimited and more creative than we are taught, than we believe. I've seen it. And we are here to express our creativity, to create whatever it is we want, to learn how to create our own reality. That's what I'm experimenting with now, consciously.
But it doesn't end when we "die". We are too creative, too intelligent, too adventurous for that. We keep going on. We reincarnate and come back to try something else. I've been reading all about it, I've heard people talk about near death experiences and what it was like on the other side. (If you are interested this is a fascinating show: Prana, near death experiences.) I've talked to a psychic who contacted my mother who is perfectly happy where she is and doing just fine. I feel like I have an understanding of what happens now and so I have no fear. I do not fear blanking out into a void of unconsciousness, my understanding now is that consciousness never dies, it continues on forever.
Consciousness seems to be the key to it all. We are not our bodies, but we identify with them so much we feel like we are. We are not even our consciousness, it is a tool we use for creation and consciousness doesn't die. We are conscious in our dreams - it is just a different state of consciousness. We still perceive our surroundings and events take place - our experiences are very real to our minds, and I would say they are very real to our consciousness. The same is true in "death". It is just a different state of consciousness. We are not in our bodies anymore, but we are still aware. I don't fear death now because I feel like I understand it.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Book Review - Conversations with God
The Conversations with God series is a trilogy revolving around a man who hears God speaking to him and transcribes his conversations in a series of questions and answers. I first saw CWG about 10 years ago, but didn't pick it up because I was put off by the title. I thought it was going to be about Christianity and Jesus saving your soul and dying on the cross for your sins. But that's not the case at all.
Throughout the trilogy, and the subsequent title, Friendship with God, we learn the true nature of God as presented to the author, Neale Donald Walsh. The main take home from the series is that god is everything and in everything. He/She/It is you and is in you, He is the creator and the created, She is with you alway in all ways. God has no preference and doesn't care what you do. There is no good or evil. Everything happens for a reason. This is quite a simplified view of the book, of course. It explores topics such as reincarnation, marriage, sex, your purpose on Earth, life on other planets, education, and society. It's brilliantly written, and God is quite cheeky. I like God.
I devoured these books. I read all four in the span of about two weeks. I highly recommend them if you have any inclination towards spirituality.
Now, I have an interesting manifestation story connected with these books. I picked up number 2 at the Largo library used book store. I was drawn to it because I'd remembered seeing it in the bookstore years ago, but didn't pick it up for the reasons I mentioned above. Well, this time I picked it up and started thumbing through the preface and the author was talking about how its not a coincidence that the reader picked up the book, etc. That line cinched it, and I bought it... it was only $1, so I figured I had nothing to lose anyway.
Well, after reading the 2nd book, I wanted more and went to the used section at Barnes and Nobles to see if I could find it there. It wasn't there, and I decided to do an experiment. I decided that I wanted to buy the rest of the series, but I didn't want to pay full price. I visualized myself seeing the books in the used section of the bookstore, picking them, and feeling happy because I had manifested the books I wanted and manifested them at a used price. I was thinking between $1 and $5. That was my experiment.
Not a week later, my grandpa and I are having a tour of Rochester's used bookstores because he had a trunkful of books he was trying to sell. We weren't doing so well... no one was too interested in the books we had. Though, I did have a chance to look around the other books, and saw The Secret which I also wanted. We had been at it for about 3 hours, we were getting tired and had only made about $12 on books. But we decided to go to one more bookstore. This man picked out 18 books he wanted from our pile and offered us either $15 cash or $30 in store credit. Grandpa let me take the store credit, so I had a look around the bookstore. And guess what I found:
All the Conversations with God books AND the fourth book that I didn't even know existed, Friendship with God. So I got all the books I'd asked for a week earlier... FREE. Plus, I got The Secret, which I'd seen earlier that day and two others!!! What a great testament to the universe... you really do get whatever you ask for... Exactly the ideas in the CWG books too. Perfect.
Throughout the trilogy, and the subsequent title, Friendship with God, we learn the true nature of God as presented to the author, Neale Donald Walsh. The main take home from the series is that god is everything and in everything. He/She/It is you and is in you, He is the creator and the created, She is with you alway in all ways. God has no preference and doesn't care what you do. There is no good or evil. Everything happens for a reason. This is quite a simplified view of the book, of course. It explores topics such as reincarnation, marriage, sex, your purpose on Earth, life on other planets, education, and society. It's brilliantly written, and God is quite cheeky. I like God.
I devoured these books. I read all four in the span of about two weeks. I highly recommend them if you have any inclination towards spirituality.
Now, I have an interesting manifestation story connected with these books. I picked up number 2 at the Largo library used book store. I was drawn to it because I'd remembered seeing it in the bookstore years ago, but didn't pick it up for the reasons I mentioned above. Well, this time I picked it up and started thumbing through the preface and the author was talking about how its not a coincidence that the reader picked up the book, etc. That line cinched it, and I bought it... it was only $1, so I figured I had nothing to lose anyway.
Well, after reading the 2nd book, I wanted more and went to the used section at Barnes and Nobles to see if I could find it there. It wasn't there, and I decided to do an experiment. I decided that I wanted to buy the rest of the series, but I didn't want to pay full price. I visualized myself seeing the books in the used section of the bookstore, picking them, and feeling happy because I had manifested the books I wanted and manifested them at a used price. I was thinking between $1 and $5. That was my experiment.
Not a week later, my grandpa and I are having a tour of Rochester's used bookstores because he had a trunkful of books he was trying to sell. We weren't doing so well... no one was too interested in the books we had. Though, I did have a chance to look around the other books, and saw The Secret which I also wanted. We had been at it for about 3 hours, we were getting tired and had only made about $12 on books. But we decided to go to one more bookstore. This man picked out 18 books he wanted from our pile and offered us either $15 cash or $30 in store credit. Grandpa let me take the store credit, so I had a look around the bookstore. And guess what I found:
All the Conversations with God books AND the fourth book that I didn't even know existed, Friendship with God. So I got all the books I'd asked for a week earlier... FREE. Plus, I got The Secret, which I'd seen earlier that day and two others!!! What a great testament to the universe... you really do get whatever you ask for... Exactly the ideas in the CWG books too. Perfect.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Deepening affect of seeing auras #2
You create your own reality
This was hard for me to understand in the past, though I'd heard the concept before. Generally, we go about our everyday lives experiencing events and reacting to the stimuli that is in front of us. Sometimes we experience chance or luck and great things materialize. Other times we are challenged, or an event happens that is out of our control... we are not to blame for certain things, they are out of our hands. That seems to be the experience of most people anyway. Simplified, of course.
We have a world of victims... random events out of our control. It's someone else fault for running into me, or I don't have enough money, or it's all because of my childhood. Whatever story we tell ourselves for not living up to our full potential. I hear it all the time. Just the other day, an adult friend of mine told me she's scared all the time, and generally in bad space because of something her father did to her when she was a child. She had an elaborate story to go with it about how it's not her fault and there is nothing she can do about it. And really, what could I say to that? She was so attached to her story, it would have been an insult if I had referred to it as a story.
And we all have them. I am not saying that I am immune to it. What I am saying is that I recognize it now and I don't accept the story that I am a victim of anything. People don't "do" things to me. I am a creator. I create my life, and I create the circumstances in it that I need to grow. And so does everybody. I like that way of seeing the world much better than the idea that I am merely reacting to events outside myself.
Let me give you a concrete example that I think will illustrate my point. When I was applying to MBA programs, I had certain beliefs about what kind of school I wanted to go to and how much I wanted to pay. I liked UBC because it was about 1/2 the price of all the other schools I applied to and a slightly shorter program, though I didn't like the aspect of it and wanted the extra time in school. 5 of other schools I applied to I felt were out of my league and a stretch to get into. And the other one, it never even occurred to me that I wouldn't get in. It was my back up school. Though I wanted to go there because I'd be with my family and friends and it was on familiar territory. This was my thought as I began to apply to schools.
Well guess what happened. I ended up getting EXACTLY what I believed. I only school I was accepted to was the one that I had NO doubts about getting in to - the one near my family and friends. But even more than that... I ended up getting nearly a half scholarship from the school, which brought the price down to the price that UBC would have been - and actually even cheaper because I wouldn't have the extra expense of rent. As a bonus, it's a better school and has all the programs and activities I could want from a school.
And I created this. Because of my beliefs and because of my actions. I use this example a lot because, I realized what had happened after the fact. I didn't consciously create this, I recognized what had happened after I'd learned a little about creating your own reality and I saw this example in my life. My immediate reaction was "Wow! Look what I created... exactly what I asked for and believed. Now, what can I do if I start doing this consciously!?"
I add that I got exactly what I wanted and believed because beliefs are a key part of creating your reality. The school I was accepted to was initially my last choice, for various reasons, but it was the only school I really believed without a doubt I would get in to. If you don't believe something is possible, it's not. No matter how much you want it, or how many times you ask the Universe for it. Sometimes the beliefs are deep-rooted and you may not even know you had them. It was after the fact that I recognized that the only school I really believed I'd get into was the only one that I did.
Now I've started playing with it. I've started playing with manifesting what I want in my life. And it really works. I set the intention and ask the Universe for what I want and it comes into my life. Not always in the way I expect, but it comes. For example: I had three experiences at the pow wow where I manifested what I asked for.
1. I wanted to wear a buckskin dress at the pow wow, but couldn't find any for sale and didn't know where to find them. When I got to the pow wow, there was a woman who made them custom-made. She usually did them made to order, but she just happened to have one on display that she'd made for her daughter, but her daughter decided she didn't want it. To make a long story concise, my dad ended up buying it for me and I got to wear a beautiful buckskin dress the whole day.
2. I had seen Turtle soup on the Travel channel and decided that I wanted to try it. But there were NO restaurants in the area that served it. Well, at the pow wow, guess what they had: Turtle soup! A week later, it came into my life.
3. I'd been searching the internet to find ways to buy silver under spot price. But everybody selling silver was selling it over spot price. Which makes sense, spot plus a premium. Well, at the pow wow, guess what I found? 1 oz .999 silver coins for $10 each. I did a little bargaining and got three for $9 each... That's 1/2 price of the current spot, which is about $18 an ounce!
I created everything I'd wanted within a week! I am continuing to play with this and I am seeing what I can manifest and create in my life.
If you're interested in more about creating your own reality, Pam talks about it on her show a little here.
She takes calls, but stops at around minute 25 and starts talking about how to create your own reality at about minute 32. I did these techniques in the above examples and these are what I am continuing to play with.
This was hard for me to understand in the past, though I'd heard the concept before. Generally, we go about our everyday lives experiencing events and reacting to the stimuli that is in front of us. Sometimes we experience chance or luck and great things materialize. Other times we are challenged, or an event happens that is out of our control... we are not to blame for certain things, they are out of our hands. That seems to be the experience of most people anyway. Simplified, of course.
We have a world of victims... random events out of our control. It's someone else fault for running into me, or I don't have enough money, or it's all because of my childhood. Whatever story we tell ourselves for not living up to our full potential. I hear it all the time. Just the other day, an adult friend of mine told me she's scared all the time, and generally in bad space because of something her father did to her when she was a child. She had an elaborate story to go with it about how it's not her fault and there is nothing she can do about it. And really, what could I say to that? She was so attached to her story, it would have been an insult if I had referred to it as a story.
And we all have them. I am not saying that I am immune to it. What I am saying is that I recognize it now and I don't accept the story that I am a victim of anything. People don't "do" things to me. I am a creator. I create my life, and I create the circumstances in it that I need to grow. And so does everybody. I like that way of seeing the world much better than the idea that I am merely reacting to events outside myself.
Let me give you a concrete example that I think will illustrate my point. When I was applying to MBA programs, I had certain beliefs about what kind of school I wanted to go to and how much I wanted to pay. I liked UBC because it was about 1/2 the price of all the other schools I applied to and a slightly shorter program, though I didn't like the aspect of it and wanted the extra time in school. 5 of other schools I applied to I felt were out of my league and a stretch to get into. And the other one, it never even occurred to me that I wouldn't get in. It was my back up school. Though I wanted to go there because I'd be with my family and friends and it was on familiar territory. This was my thought as I began to apply to schools.
Well guess what happened. I ended up getting EXACTLY what I believed. I only school I was accepted to was the one that I had NO doubts about getting in to - the one near my family and friends. But even more than that... I ended up getting nearly a half scholarship from the school, which brought the price down to the price that UBC would have been - and actually even cheaper because I wouldn't have the extra expense of rent. As a bonus, it's a better school and has all the programs and activities I could want from a school.
And I created this. Because of my beliefs and because of my actions. I use this example a lot because, I realized what had happened after the fact. I didn't consciously create this, I recognized what had happened after I'd learned a little about creating your own reality and I saw this example in my life. My immediate reaction was "Wow! Look what I created... exactly what I asked for and believed. Now, what can I do if I start doing this consciously!?"
I add that I got exactly what I wanted and believed because beliefs are a key part of creating your reality. The school I was accepted to was initially my last choice, for various reasons, but it was the only school I really believed without a doubt I would get in to. If you don't believe something is possible, it's not. No matter how much you want it, or how many times you ask the Universe for it. Sometimes the beliefs are deep-rooted and you may not even know you had them. It was after the fact that I recognized that the only school I really believed I'd get into was the only one that I did.
Now I've started playing with it. I've started playing with manifesting what I want in my life. And it really works. I set the intention and ask the Universe for what I want and it comes into my life. Not always in the way I expect, but it comes. For example: I had three experiences at the pow wow where I manifested what I asked for.
1. I wanted to wear a buckskin dress at the pow wow, but couldn't find any for sale and didn't know where to find them. When I got to the pow wow, there was a woman who made them custom-made. She usually did them made to order, but she just happened to have one on display that she'd made for her daughter, but her daughter decided she didn't want it. To make a long story concise, my dad ended up buying it for me and I got to wear a beautiful buckskin dress the whole day.
2. I had seen Turtle soup on the Travel channel and decided that I wanted to try it. But there were NO restaurants in the area that served it. Well, at the pow wow, guess what they had: Turtle soup! A week later, it came into my life.
3. I'd been searching the internet to find ways to buy silver under spot price. But everybody selling silver was selling it over spot price. Which makes sense, spot plus a premium. Well, at the pow wow, guess what I found? 1 oz .999 silver coins for $10 each. I did a little bargaining and got three for $9 each... That's 1/2 price of the current spot, which is about $18 an ounce!
I created everything I'd wanted within a week! I am continuing to play with this and I am seeing what I can manifest and create in my life.
If you're interested in more about creating your own reality, Pam talks about it on her show a little here.
She takes calls, but stops at around minute 25 and starts talking about how to create your own reality at about minute 32. I did these techniques in the above examples and these are what I am continuing to play with.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Deepening affect of seeing auras #1
Validation and deepening of Self
What I want to write about now is the journey I have embarked on since starting to see auras. I feel like my whole world has expanded in a way that I had never even thought possible before. I feel like I have a lot to say, but I want to keep these posts relatively short, so I will break them up into multiple parts. To give you some background, I will also detail the experience that lead me from one place to the next.
As wrote previously, after seeing my aura in the mirror for the first time, I immediately went to the bookstore to look around see what I could find on the subject. There, I found Pamala Oslie's book, Life Colors. And that's where my journey began. Seeing my aura was a gateway to a much bigger picture, rather than an end itself. It's so hard to describe, because it's a shift in perception, yet if you look at me in my life, it would appear that I am doing the same actions. Yet, I am different.
First of all, seeing and learning about my aura color gave me a deep sense of knowing who I am in a way that I have never been able to articulate before. I don't think it would have had the same effect if someone had told me my color, or if I had taken a test to find out what my color was. Actually, someone did tell me my color before I saw it, which was what prompted my interest in the first place, and it didn't have the same effect on me at all. I was interested in it, of course, but he couldn't tell me much about what the color meant, at least not in the same terms that Pam could. Even still, I only had a mental image of what the actual color looked like - it wasn't real to me. Seeing it myself shifted that and gave it an entirely different meaning.
Understanding myself gave me "permission" to be myself. I didn't feel like I had to fit into someone else's mold of who they thought I should be anymore, no matter how much of an "authority" they thought they were on something. My aura color validated for me that the way I interact with the world and the way I perceive the world is just as valid as someone else's. Simultaneously, it allowed me to accept other's for who they are and to recognize that they have an equally valid way of interacting with the world as well. It is different than mine because of differing personalities and differing purposes for being on the planet.
I can describe myself to people, which is great for interviews and writing essays about myself. I can tell strangers what I am doing and what is important to me, and they understand better now because I can articulate it better. I know my weaknesses and understand why I act the way I do sometimes. I can also think of creative ways to work around them, or with them. I am not afraid of people anymore or afraid of people rejecting me in the way that I used to be. I do not feel the need to justify myself to people who are different than I am because I accept who I am and I love myself. I feel important and needed in the world and I feel like I have an articulated purpose.
It's a wonderful feeling... world's different from the way I felt a year ago. Because of this understanding, I am no longer afraid to do what is in my own best interest even though it may not be what another wants. I no longer feel the need to take another's word as sacred or as gospel and have developed a trust in myself. I can speak my truth to others without fear, and I think they appreciate that and can benefit from that honesty as well. I do no fear honesty because I do not fear myself. I wish for everybody to experience this deepening. It's empowering. It's given me confidence that I used to think was reserved for others, but now I know I deserve it as well.
It's changed my relationship with people in my past who did not accept me.... especially as a child. Though I haven't spoken with them, and won't, it's changed the way I perceive them and my relationship to them. I no longer feel that there was something "wrong" with me... I was just being me. I can love my younger self for all her glory and see the ways I was expressing my color. It's beautiful.
I really believe the world would be a much happier, creative place if everybody could have this understanding of themselves. And I know they can. It's just a matter of wanting it and seeking it out. It's a matter of reaching into that place inside you that knows there is something more and then manifesting it. It's not about adding anything to your personality, or following someone else's way of doing things. Those I find to be fleeting, but this is authentic. I am playing with seeing all the aura colors because I want everyone to experience what I experienced...
Sunday, August 8, 2010
A short update on my progress
I apologize for neglecting my blog lately. Unfortunately, since I will be starting school in a month, I don't anticipate that I will start updating regularly again, but I will do my best. I can account for my shortcoming, mostly for the fact that I have no new developments in my ability to see auras to report. I am still practicing my exercises about once or twice a week, and I continually go into wide-angle vision whenever I am looking at someone for a prolonged period of time in order to glimpse their aura.
Violet auras comes relatively easy to me, and I have not, as yet, seen other colors, with exception of an occasional yellow, and of course the white glow around people and objects. I have seen many shapes and intensities of violet in people's aura: violet radiating 6 feet away from a person, violet extending 8 feet in the air, but only about 1 foot wide on top of the person's head, violet floating in a cloud about a foot away from the person's head, violet around the person's face, faint violet about 3 feet in both directions but with clear gaps. I love seeing the different variation of sizes and intensities of the auras and I'm excited to see the other colors as well.
Auric pair colors off of objects come to me fairly easily as well. I find it a bit disconcerting when I see them because I know I am seeing the paired color off the object and not the person's aura. On the one hand, I want to allow myself to experience this image because it is good practice in training my eyes and my mind to see auras. On the other hand, I know it is not the person's aura, so I find it a bit distracting. My initial reaction is to try to refocus my attention so that I don't see the pair color, but I catch myself at that and continue to allow myself to see it, even though it might be distracting.
I found myself having that experience during an interview last week. The man interviewing me was wearing a light yellow button-up shirt, and I saw the light blue auric pair color emanating about 5 inches off his shoulders. I wonder if that experience had something to do with the lighting in the room and the setting of the environment. We were seated in a small, stark room with fluorescent lighting - the wall behind him was plain white and the lighting flickered subtly the way fluorescent lights do. I don't know the exact significance of my surroundings, but I imagine they had an impact on my perceptions.
Another experience I had during that same set of interviews happened in a similar room, with similar lighting. This time there was a window to my left leading out into the hallway, that I could see out of my peripheral vision. As I was talking to the interviewer, I could see people walking past the room. One particular person (I have no idea who it was, as I could only see blurry outlines of people), walked by and as he did, I could see a thin whitish-blue light emanating from the top of his head. It was laser-sharp and rose up to the ceiling. It went with him as he walked by and was about an inch thick. He walked by twice, going in opposite directions, and I perceived it both times.
Other than that, I have nothing new to report, as far as seeing auras are concerned. I do, though, have much to report in off-shoot experiences, which I will write about in another post.
Violet auras comes relatively easy to me, and I have not, as yet, seen other colors, with exception of an occasional yellow, and of course the white glow around people and objects. I have seen many shapes and intensities of violet in people's aura: violet radiating 6 feet away from a person, violet extending 8 feet in the air, but only about 1 foot wide on top of the person's head, violet floating in a cloud about a foot away from the person's head, violet around the person's face, faint violet about 3 feet in both directions but with clear gaps. I love seeing the different variation of sizes and intensities of the auras and I'm excited to see the other colors as well.
Auric pair colors off of objects come to me fairly easily as well. I find it a bit disconcerting when I see them because I know I am seeing the paired color off the object and not the person's aura. On the one hand, I want to allow myself to experience this image because it is good practice in training my eyes and my mind to see auras. On the other hand, I know it is not the person's aura, so I find it a bit distracting. My initial reaction is to try to refocus my attention so that I don't see the pair color, but I catch myself at that and continue to allow myself to see it, even though it might be distracting.
I found myself having that experience during an interview last week. The man interviewing me was wearing a light yellow button-up shirt, and I saw the light blue auric pair color emanating about 5 inches off his shoulders. I wonder if that experience had something to do with the lighting in the room and the setting of the environment. We were seated in a small, stark room with fluorescent lighting - the wall behind him was plain white and the lighting flickered subtly the way fluorescent lights do. I don't know the exact significance of my surroundings, but I imagine they had an impact on my perceptions.
Another experience I had during that same set of interviews happened in a similar room, with similar lighting. This time there was a window to my left leading out into the hallway, that I could see out of my peripheral vision. As I was talking to the interviewer, I could see people walking past the room. One particular person (I have no idea who it was, as I could only see blurry outlines of people), walked by and as he did, I could see a thin whitish-blue light emanating from the top of his head. It was laser-sharp and rose up to the ceiling. It went with him as he walked by and was about an inch thick. He walked by twice, going in opposite directions, and I perceived it both times.
Other than that, I have nothing new to report, as far as seeing auras are concerned. I do, though, have much to report in off-shoot experiences, which I will write about in another post.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
How to see your aura in the mirror
Seeing your aura in the mirror is no different than seeing someone else's aura or even working on the cross concentration exercise.
1. Sit in a room, where you have a plain white wall, a mirror, and low lighting. You might be here a while, so preferably find a place where you won't be disturbed for a while.
2. Dim the lights. Lighting should be away from you - not directly in front of you where you will be staring at it. Behind you works well, as does off to the side. A small table lamp is good enough. You want to be able to see, but using dim light will allow you to see your auric glow much easier.
3. Sit at least 3 feet in front of the mirror.
4. Choose a point in the middle of your forehead to stare at. If you find it difficult to focus on one spot, you can draw a small dot in the center of your forehead, just above and between your eyes. Use that to focus on just like you did in the focusing exercise.
5. Using peripheral vision, stare at the point on your forehead. It helps to unfocus your eyes.
6. You will start to see a white glow around your head, shoulders, and body. This is the first layer of your aura.
7. Keep looking. Eventually you will start to see fleck of color. If you stay focused and hold the gaze, the flecks of color will begin to get bigger and take shape. Don't be deterred if you start to feel like the colors in the room start to feel like they are enhanced, or if they feel a bit hazy. This is part of the process. It might take a while to start to see colors. Keep practicing, you'll get it eventually.
1. Sit in a room, where you have a plain white wall, a mirror, and low lighting. You might be here a while, so preferably find a place where you won't be disturbed for a while.
2. Dim the lights. Lighting should be away from you - not directly in front of you where you will be staring at it. Behind you works well, as does off to the side. A small table lamp is good enough. You want to be able to see, but using dim light will allow you to see your auric glow much easier.
3. Sit at least 3 feet in front of the mirror.
4. Choose a point in the middle of your forehead to stare at. If you find it difficult to focus on one spot, you can draw a small dot in the center of your forehead, just above and between your eyes. Use that to focus on just like you did in the focusing exercise.
5. Using peripheral vision, stare at the point on your forehead. It helps to unfocus your eyes.
6. You will start to see a white glow around your head, shoulders, and body. This is the first layer of your aura.
7. Keep looking. Eventually you will start to see fleck of color. If you stay focused and hold the gaze, the flecks of color will begin to get bigger and take shape. Don't be deterred if you start to feel like the colors in the room start to feel like they are enhanced, or if they feel a bit hazy. This is part of the process. It might take a while to start to see colors. Keep practicing, you'll get it eventually.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Akiane - Indigo child
This doesn't relate directly to seeing auras, but I came across this girl while I was looking up information about Indigo children (referring to people with indigo auras, mostly children at this time). This girl is truly amazing, and it has been a long time since I have felt this inspired. She has a lot to teach us:
Saturday, May 29, 2010
How to see your aura on your hand
Here is another exercise you can do to see your aura that anyone can do fairly easily.
1. Stand near a dark colored background, like the ground, a wall, or some sort of covering.
2. Place your hand in front of you, so that it is over the background, but not touching it.
3. Look at your hand with unfocused, soft vision.
4. You will start to see a clear, whitish glow around your hand. This is the first layer of your aura.
I found these photoshop reproductions of what you will see, in case you are having difficulty, or don't trust what you are seeing:
This is just the background, no auric image:

1. Stand near a dark colored background, like the ground, a wall, or some sort of covering.
2. Place your hand in front of you, so that it is over the background, but not touching it.
3. Look at your hand with unfocused, soft vision.
4. You will start to see a clear, whitish glow around your hand. This is the first layer of your aura.
I found these photoshop reproductions of what you will see, in case you are having difficulty, or don't trust what you are seeing:
This is just the background, no auric image:
Here you start to see the clear, whitish glow:

Saturday, May 22, 2010
Food for thought
Many people are skeptical about auras. Others know for sure they don't exist because they say you can't see them or because they aren't proven scientifically. The same is true for other human experiences - psychic abilities, telepathy, and paranormal experiences as some people call them.
I find it interesting that in this society the only things that are deemed credible are those that can be measured with an instrument - a human-made instrument to boot. Why is it that we trust these machines, these instruments more than we trust ourselves, more than we trust our own potential, our own humanity? Could it be that there are aspects of the Universe that actually do exist that we can't measure using an instrument? And if so, why are these experiences less credible? Why do so many people doubt psychic abilities? Why aren't we taught as children to develop these potentials? Why does everything revolve around what can be measured by a man-made instrument?
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Aura strengthening exercises
Donna Eden is one of the leading experts on using energy for healing. In these videos, she talks about what the aura does and how to strengthen your aura.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
The first time I saw another person's aura
Now for the last milestone I achieved before I started writing this blog - the first time I saw another person's color. Auras still have an elusive quality to me. One where I want to hold onto the sight, but as soon as I try, I can't. I remember the memory, but have trouble remembering the experience. I have to remember to trust myself because as soon as I can't see the color anymore, I have a tendency to want to think I imagined it... even though I know I didn't.
It was at an alumni gathering for my grandfather's alma mater (and the school I'm attending in the fall). We started out with some entertainment by two music students, an opera singer and pianist. I concentrated on their auras while they performed, and had my usual results - I could see the glowing halo around their heads, but nothing else.
Then the president of the university came up to speak. I focused on him just like I focus on the pastors at church, just like I focus on myself in the mirror, and just like I do with the cross exercise. I began to see the outline glow and then all at once, I saw a big halo of color surrounding him. It radiated out about two feet on all sides of him.
I remember remembering the color, but I don't remember what it was. I remember that it was the same as mine, but if you were to ask me to reach back into my memory and see the color now, I couldn't do it. I didn't have "ideal" conditions, which is one reason I tend to not trust myself. The background was a dark colored and patterned wallpaper - not plain white. So I don't trust myself that I saw the right color. But at the time I just knew.
It's hard to shake the elusiveness... but it's a start. It's the first time I saw someone else's color. I suppose it's just a matter of practicing more.
It was at an alumni gathering for my grandfather's alma mater (and the school I'm attending in the fall). We started out with some entertainment by two music students, an opera singer and pianist. I concentrated on their auras while they performed, and had my usual results - I could see the glowing halo around their heads, but nothing else.
Then the president of the university came up to speak. I focused on him just like I focus on the pastors at church, just like I focus on myself in the mirror, and just like I do with the cross exercise. I began to see the outline glow and then all at once, I saw a big halo of color surrounding him. It radiated out about two feet on all sides of him.
I remember remembering the color, but I don't remember what it was. I remember that it was the same as mine, but if you were to ask me to reach back into my memory and see the color now, I couldn't do it. I didn't have "ideal" conditions, which is one reason I tend to not trust myself. The background was a dark colored and patterned wallpaper - not plain white. So I don't trust myself that I saw the right color. But at the time I just knew.
It's hard to shake the elusiveness... but it's a start. It's the first time I saw someone else's color. I suppose it's just a matter of practicing more.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Pamala Oslie on "iyanla"
This is a video I found on YouTube with Pamala Oslie, author of Life Colors. She's on a the Iyanla show talking about her book. It's only an eight minute segment, so she doesn't go into much detail or depth. On the show they are separated into 5 groups based on their colors, but Pam says she can actually see 14 different colors. I suppose they had to cut it down to the most basic information for the sake of time. Anyway, it's interesting nonetheless, and I thought you might enjoy it.
Unfortunately, embedding is disabled, so I have to give you the link instead. You'll find the video here.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Now I can see Yellow
I had an interesting experience last week that I meant to write about sooner, but you know how time slips away sometimes... Well, anyway, I got in a little disagreement with my grandmother and said some unkind words to her. I felt really bad about it and apologized right away, but I was still angry so I took some time out and went into another room to cool off.
About two hours later, I walked into my room, looked in the mirror and saw bright yellow glowing around me. At first I thought I was seeing a reflection from the light behind me, but the yellow was so bright and it was shaped like me and it expanded around me, it couldn't have been from the light. I decided to take a look at my color, and what I saw was different from what I have ever seen before. I could see the yellow in my aura again, but it was dark and muddy around my face. The violet was there too, but it was more like a deep, dark, rich purple.
I thought it had something to do with the fact that my grandmother and I had just had a little argument. Our auras record our emotions and you can see how someone is feeling. I think the darker colors have something to do with that.
I went back to the same spot I was in when I saw the bright yellow just to confirm once again that it hadn't been coming from the light and I didn't see it this time, so I know it was my aura. I have to stop second guessing myself so much. I know what I see... sometimes I just test myself because I don't have anyone else to confirm what I'm seeing with.
I can see yellow in my aunt's aura too. I saw yellow and violet in her and she had a reading with a psychic who sees the colors and she confirmed it. Again, I need to trust myself more. I know what I see, I just need to trust.
About two hours later, I walked into my room, looked in the mirror and saw bright yellow glowing around me. At first I thought I was seeing a reflection from the light behind me, but the yellow was so bright and it was shaped like me and it expanded around me, it couldn't have been from the light. I decided to take a look at my color, and what I saw was different from what I have ever seen before. I could see the yellow in my aura again, but it was dark and muddy around my face. The violet was there too, but it was more like a deep, dark, rich purple.
I thought it had something to do with the fact that my grandmother and I had just had a little argument. Our auras record our emotions and you can see how someone is feeling. I think the darker colors have something to do with that.
I went back to the same spot I was in when I saw the bright yellow just to confirm once again that it hadn't been coming from the light and I didn't see it this time, so I know it was my aura. I have to stop second guessing myself so much. I know what I see... sometimes I just test myself because I don't have anyone else to confirm what I'm seeing with.
I can see yellow in my aunt's aura too. I saw yellow and violet in her and she had a reading with a psychic who sees the colors and she confirmed it. Again, I need to trust myself more. I know what I see, I just need to trust.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
On Pam's radio show
I called into Pam Oslie's radio show a couple weeks ago and asked for her insights on how to increase my chances at getting a scholarship at the University of Rochester. I had so much energy and so much excitement after the call. All I heard was "I see you doing readings..." and then she continued, but that was pretty much all I heard. Anyway... that may or may not be on my path. But she gave me some really useful insights that can be beneficial to others as well. I am the last caller on the show and come at 31:16.
Here's the link: http://www.netbriefings.com/event/auracolors/Archives/radioshow/Viewer/wmpviewerP216a.html?userid=
It's a great program. I highly recommend listening to the archives. Enjoy!
Here's the link: http://www.netbriefings.com/event/auracolors/Archives/radioshow/Viewer/wmpviewerP216a.html?userid=
It's a great program. I highly recommend listening to the archives. Enjoy!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
What seeing violet showed me
I can see violet very easily. If someone has any violet, anywhere in their aura, I can see it. And that's about it... at this moment, I have difficulty seeing other colors. Violet *is* the easiest color to see because it vibrates at the highest frequency, which explains why I have the easiest time seeing it. At church this morning, I saw the violet in the minister for the first time. It's not her main life color, it was above her head a bit, but it extended about 3 feet on either side of her. It was big and expansive. I am curious to see what else is in there.
I have a feeling I am very close to seeing the other colors. I will step into that world and know that I already can.
I had a private reading with psychic Pam Oslie last week and I asked her about how I could see auras easier. I am looking for the quick-fix-take-this-pill-and-you'll-see-them-all-instantly answer. Unfortunately, that's not the answer I got. She told me to practice and to relax. I can understand that - sometimes I give myself a headache looking at people's auras, especially at church. It gets easier each time, so I know I am close.
The other thing she told me to do was to focus on how this can help people. And she is right. Sure, it's cool and exciting and fun, but there has to be more to it. Reading the description of my color was such a transformational moment for me, I know other people can have the same experience. Knowing who you are, putting all the pieces of your being together to have that "aha" moment, to have a deeper understanding of yourself - that's where the magic lies. Align yourself with your color, with your true nature, and you are unstoppable.
But there's more. It goes WAY beyond seeing auras, it goes way beyond a "personality" test or way of understanding yourself. Seeing auras was my entry into something MUCH MUCH deeper. Nothing that I hadn't heard of and played around with before, mind you. But seeing auras gave me the understanding that there is much more to life than what we are taught to believe and what we are taught to see. In our culture, we are not taught to pay attention to auras - we only see a very limited reality. Yet, auras are right there for anyone to see.
We are much more powerful than we are taught to believe - we can really and literally, create whatever we want for ourselves. We can have whatever we truly believe we can. I had this experience: I decided I wanted to get my MBA and began looking at schools. I **knew** beyond a shadow of a doubt that I would get into the University of Rochester. In fact, I looked at it as a shoein and it was my backup school. No doubt, whatsoever. However, I was fearful about how much it would cost. It was double the price of the University of British Columbia and I felt much more comfortable, in fact confident about being able to get student loans for that school. Well, to make a long story short, what it came down to was this: The only school I was accepted to was Rochester. And I got nearly a half scholarship from the school, which brought tuition down to the price for UBC. And actually even cheaper because I can live with my grandparents and don't have to pay rent. Now I have decided to pay for my entire tuition through scholarships.
That's when it clicked for me - I had literally created that in my life. And got exactly what I asked for. I have so many examples of those experiences. Now I can do it consciously. This is something *anyone* can do. That's one thing seeing auras taught me - that there is more than to life than we are taught, that we are more powerful than we are taught. We can really have anything we want. We can create anything. I believe it cause I can see what I couldn't see before. Seeing auras has expanded my perception of reality, expanded what I thought was possible. They have been there the whole time, right in front of me, they are there for everyone to see. Most people just don't.
I am sharing this because I want everyone to be able to consciously create their own lives. Its so much more fun this way. So much more empowering. All I want to do is talk about it with other spiritual people. I want to sit down and pick their brains. This feels so big and so expansive. I want to keep playing, keep creating my life, creating my reality.
I have a feeling I am very close to seeing the other colors. I will step into that world and know that I already can.
I had a private reading with psychic Pam Oslie last week and I asked her about how I could see auras easier. I am looking for the quick-fix-take-this-pill-and-you'll-see-them-all-instantly answer. Unfortunately, that's not the answer I got. She told me to practice and to relax. I can understand that - sometimes I give myself a headache looking at people's auras, especially at church. It gets easier each time, so I know I am close.
The other thing she told me to do was to focus on how this can help people. And she is right. Sure, it's cool and exciting and fun, but there has to be more to it. Reading the description of my color was such a transformational moment for me, I know other people can have the same experience. Knowing who you are, putting all the pieces of your being together to have that "aha" moment, to have a deeper understanding of yourself - that's where the magic lies. Align yourself with your color, with your true nature, and you are unstoppable.
But there's more. It goes WAY beyond seeing auras, it goes way beyond a "personality" test or way of understanding yourself. Seeing auras was my entry into something MUCH MUCH deeper. Nothing that I hadn't heard of and played around with before, mind you. But seeing auras gave me the understanding that there is much more to life than what we are taught to believe and what we are taught to see. In our culture, we are not taught to pay attention to auras - we only see a very limited reality. Yet, auras are right there for anyone to see.
We are much more powerful than we are taught to believe - we can really and literally, create whatever we want for ourselves. We can have whatever we truly believe we can. I had this experience: I decided I wanted to get my MBA and began looking at schools. I **knew** beyond a shadow of a doubt that I would get into the University of Rochester. In fact, I looked at it as a shoein and it was my backup school. No doubt, whatsoever. However, I was fearful about how much it would cost. It was double the price of the University of British Columbia and I felt much more comfortable, in fact confident about being able to get student loans for that school. Well, to make a long story short, what it came down to was this: The only school I was accepted to was Rochester. And I got nearly a half scholarship from the school, which brought tuition down to the price for UBC. And actually even cheaper because I can live with my grandparents and don't have to pay rent. Now I have decided to pay for my entire tuition through scholarships.
That's when it clicked for me - I had literally created that in my life. And got exactly what I asked for. I have so many examples of those experiences. Now I can do it consciously. This is something *anyone* can do. That's one thing seeing auras taught me - that there is more than to life than we are taught, that we are more powerful than we are taught. We can really have anything we want. We can create anything. I believe it cause I can see what I couldn't see before. Seeing auras has expanded my perception of reality, expanded what I thought was possible. They have been there the whole time, right in front of me, they are there for everyone to see. Most people just don't.
I am sharing this because I want everyone to be able to consciously create their own lives. Its so much more fun this way. So much more empowering. All I want to do is talk about it with other spiritual people. I want to sit down and pick their brains. This feels so big and so expansive. I want to keep playing, keep creating my life, creating my reality.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Aura reading ethics
When I first learned that other people could see my aura it felt like an invasion of privacy. They could see something about me, they could know something about me, that even I couldn't see and I didn't know. There were times I just wanted to hide, to cover my head and stay "Stop looking at me," not that that would have done any good.
But then, at the same time, I decided I wanted to learn to see auras too. It seems like a bit of a contradiction, but I don't really think it is. There's a paragraph I read on How to see and READ the AURA: Part 1 that made a lot of sense to me:
There's no way of proving it, but I have a strong suspicion that this is a skill that Native Americans used to have and use. I don't think it was reserved for a few people either, I think it would have been something everybody could do. Mostly because their culture valued a connection with the divine, with the Earth, and with Spirit. I know peripheral vision was part of their everyday life, and it follows that if they spent most of their time using it, and weren't trained NOT to use as they grew up, they wouldn't lose the ability to see auras.
I think the author of the above quoted paragraphs was right: seeing and reading auras makes people stronger and wiser. Really, imagine knowing if a leader had a pure intentions or not before electing him. Imagine voting for someone not based on what they promised, or on what they said, but on who they really were as a person. We could avoid so much corruption. On the flip side, imagine what it does for a person knowing that others can see their intentions. There's no hiding. To become elected you'd really have to have good intentions... ti would make for a much stronger world, I think.
Unfortunately, we are a long way from that place. Most people can't see auras, most people probably don't even believe that you can, or that they provide information. However, I still believe it's a good idea to learn to see and read auras. If nothing else, it will make you a more effective person.
I will leave you with a question today: What are you going to change now that you know your aura is on display?
But then, at the same time, I decided I wanted to learn to see auras too. It seems like a bit of a contradiction, but I don't really think it is. There's a paragraph I read on How to see and READ the AURA: Part 1 that made a lot of sense to me:
Also, aura is our spiritual signature. When you see a person with a bright, clean aura, you can be SURE that such person is good and spiritually advanced, even if he/she is modest and not aware of it. When you see a person with a gray or dark aura, you may be almost SURE, that such person has unclear intentions, regardless how impressive, eloquent, educated, "good looking" or "well dressed" he/she seems to appear.
Imagine changes on Earth if many people can see Auras of their leaders and start choosing them on the basis of their Auras.
When people realize that their Aura is on display and many people are able to see it, they will watch what they think. And they will try to see and improve their own Aura. In the process they will become better and wiser, being able to recognize intentions of other people. Surely, the entire world will become much better if all people can see and read Auras.Seeing auras is something that anyone can learn to do. In fact, it's something we are all born being able to do, but our culture trains us not to do it anymore. We unlearn peripheral vision by using computers, reading books, watching TV, being told to focus our attention, and by the fact that auras are completely ignored and rarely talked about. Our culture has done such a good job of it, most people don't even know they had that ability in the first place. Or that there are people that can do it. It's like cultural amnesia.
There's no way of proving it, but I have a strong suspicion that this is a skill that Native Americans used to have and use. I don't think it was reserved for a few people either, I think it would have been something everybody could do. Mostly because their culture valued a connection with the divine, with the Earth, and with Spirit. I know peripheral vision was part of their everyday life, and it follows that if they spent most of their time using it, and weren't trained NOT to use as they grew up, they wouldn't lose the ability to see auras.
I think the author of the above quoted paragraphs was right: seeing and reading auras makes people stronger and wiser. Really, imagine knowing if a leader had a pure intentions or not before electing him. Imagine voting for someone not based on what they promised, or on what they said, but on who they really were as a person. We could avoid so much corruption. On the flip side, imagine what it does for a person knowing that others can see their intentions. There's no hiding. To become elected you'd really have to have good intentions... ti would make for a much stronger world, I think.
Unfortunately, we are a long way from that place. Most people can't see auras, most people probably don't even believe that you can, or that they provide information. However, I still believe it's a good idea to learn to see and read auras. If nothing else, it will make you a more effective person.
I will leave you with a question today: What are you going to change now that you know your aura is on display?
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Book Review: Life Colors
To continue from my last post - April 3, 2010: The first time I saw my own aura
The next evening I went to the book store to look for something. I didn't have anything in particular in mind, and in fact, I'd actually wanted to find a math review guide for the GMAT, but somehow found myself in the Spiritual section. I came across a book called Life Colors by Pamala Oslie. I picked it up and immediately turned to the section that described my color - the color I'd seen in the mirror the night before.
I have to say, it was like coming home. Everything I'd been feeling, everything I'd intuitively known, but couldn't put words to was right there in that book. It was like she had known me my entire life. I felt weak and faint and had to sit down to finish reading, it was so spot on. But the best part was, it gave me a voice... it put words to what I already knew, it gave me reasons for why I acted in certain ways and why I felt the way I did. It validated the path that I was on in a way that I have never felt before.
I briefly mentioned in my introductory post that I thought there was a lot of garbage about auras out there. This is definitely NOT one of those books. I tend to ignore information most people give about the meaning of colors because they simply give a one or two sentence description of a generic meaning of the color. A lot of people who "write" these, I question whether they actually can see auras and I doubt that they're as in tune with them as Pam is.
There's a quiz at the beginning of the book which tells you your color. I didn't take the quiz since I saw my color. But I do wonder, if maybe I have a secondary color in my aura that I can't see yet - though I don't think I do. I also wonder about the accuracy of the test - not because I doubt her abilities, but because sometimes people have a tendency to project what think they should be, or what they want to be, or take on characteristics that others want them to have. And I think things like that would skew the results.
I gave the quiz to a couple of people, and the results were pretty accurate, though without seeing their color, I can't tell if it's because that actually is their color or because they were answering based on their actions, which would lead to a fairly good description of themselves, but not necessarily tell them their color. My experiment will be to find a willing subject who will let me try and see their color, then have them take the test and see if the results match. But that is something I will have to keep on the shelf for now.
Not only did this book tell me about myself, but it also gave me a better understanding of others. By reading the descriptions of certain colors, I could see those traits in people I knew and it gave me a deeper understanding of them... what I could have done, if I'd known this information at the time... better ways to interact with people... know what works with certain people and what doesn't... how to relate to them... what they respond to and what they don't.
Reading this book renewed my interest in seeing auras. I can see the benefits more clearly of being able to auras and I have a better understanding that other people can see mine too. It's on display for the entire world... but that's for another post.
The next evening I went to the book store to look for something. I didn't have anything in particular in mind, and in fact, I'd actually wanted to find a math review guide for the GMAT, but somehow found myself in the Spiritual section. I came across a book called Life Colors by Pamala Oslie. I picked it up and immediately turned to the section that described my color - the color I'd seen in the mirror the night before.
I have to say, it was like coming home. Everything I'd been feeling, everything I'd intuitively known, but couldn't put words to was right there in that book. It was like she had known me my entire life. I felt weak and faint and had to sit down to finish reading, it was so spot on. But the best part was, it gave me a voice... it put words to what I already knew, it gave me reasons for why I acted in certain ways and why I felt the way I did. It validated the path that I was on in a way that I have never felt before.
I briefly mentioned in my introductory post that I thought there was a lot of garbage about auras out there. This is definitely NOT one of those books. I tend to ignore information most people give about the meaning of colors because they simply give a one or two sentence description of a generic meaning of the color. A lot of people who "write" these, I question whether they actually can see auras and I doubt that they're as in tune with them as Pam is.
There's a quiz at the beginning of the book which tells you your color. I didn't take the quiz since I saw my color. But I do wonder, if maybe I have a secondary color in my aura that I can't see yet - though I don't think I do. I also wonder about the accuracy of the test - not because I doubt her abilities, but because sometimes people have a tendency to project what think they should be, or what they want to be, or take on characteristics that others want them to have. And I think things like that would skew the results.
I gave the quiz to a couple of people, and the results were pretty accurate, though without seeing their color, I can't tell if it's because that actually is their color or because they were answering based on their actions, which would lead to a fairly good description of themselves, but not necessarily tell them their color. My experiment will be to find a willing subject who will let me try and see their color, then have them take the test and see if the results match. But that is something I will have to keep on the shelf for now.
Not only did this book tell me about myself, but it also gave me a better understanding of others. By reading the descriptions of certain colors, I could see those traits in people I knew and it gave me a deeper understanding of them... what I could have done, if I'd known this information at the time... better ways to interact with people... know what works with certain people and what doesn't... how to relate to them... what they respond to and what they don't.
Reading this book renewed my interest in seeing auras. I can see the benefits more clearly of being able to auras and I have a better understanding that other people can see mine too. It's on display for the entire world... but that's for another post.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
My family's colors
This week has been a week of viewing other people's auras. My uncle is in town visiting for the week, and I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to practice on a subject other than myself. While he read on the couch, I had a look at his color. To tell the truth, I was actually quite surprised by what I saw. He is a very easy-going guy who gets along with everyone. From reading the descriptions of the aura colors in Pam Oslie's book, Life Colors, I would have thought of him as one of the tans, maybe with a bit of blue because he's so caring and nurturing.
But when I saw his color, he radiated violet. At first I saw the violet about 3 feet away from his body and the beginnings of another color I couldn't quite make out near his face. But the second time I had a look, the violet was more pronounced. The color was around his face and around his whole body.
I was curious about this because I hadn't expected to see violet at all, so I asked him to take the color test at beginning of Life Colors. He scored Environmental tan/ Sensitive tan - which is exactly what my grandfather (his father) scored and what I would have expected. I looked at his color again, and again, it was violet. There is no doubt, I keep seeing violet. The last time I looked at his color, I started to see flecks of blue in it as well. But I couldn't make the blue stable. It showed itself and then it disappeared. Apparently, violet is the easiest color to see, which would explain why it's harder for me to get a clear picture of the blue.
I'm still amazed by the fact that my uncle is violet. It makes me wonder what to do about that - I mean, he thinks he's a tan, but I keep seeing violet. So what does that mean? If he aligned his life with his color and acted more like a violet, how would his life change? Would he have a more fulfilling life? What do you do and what is the responsibility when you can see that in someone? Not that I think my uncle's life is bad or unfulfilling in anyway, but I wonder... what if he knew he was violet, and started acting more like a violet, how would he change?
Now my aunt. I actually saw her color before I saw my uncle's. Yellow appeared by her face. It was hard for me to see and I didn't see much, just a bit around her face, but that was enough. As soon as I saw that in her it made sense. She is very much a yellow - very fun to be around and always laughing and having a good time. She said the description of the yellow's in Pam Oslie's book was like an extreme version of herself and that it described about 75% of her.
There was also another color around my aunt that I couldn't quite make out. I had been looking at her aura for about 1/2 an hour when I started to see it, and I had a bit of a headache from concentrating so much, so I didn't look any longer and haven't looked since. But I am curious to see what that other color is. She took the test and came out a Sensitive Tan/ Green. Reading the description, she is definitely not a sensitive tan and she said the Green described her about 50%. So maybe that is the other color I couldn't quite make out.
With her too, I'm interested in the differing test results vs. the colors I see. She knew instantly that she wasn't a Sensitive Tan when we read about them, but then why did she come out that color? And why didn't she score higher on the Yellow section of the test when the description fit her so well.
The first time I read about my color, I shook and felt faint and had to sit down to finish reading, it described me so well. I felt like for the first time in my life someone finally understood me - someone finally really got me. And this came from a woman I never met or even ever heard of until the moment I picked up her book in the bookstore. It was a profound awakening for me. But I knew I had the right color because I saw it - I didn't even take the test.
I wonder if others would have such a profound experience if they understood what their aura color said about them and what it meant in their lives. What if everybody aligned themselves with their true life purpose. What if everyone knew themselves that well. It's empowering.
I'm not questioning the validity of the test, but I am questioning what to do when you come across someone who behaves as one color, or thinks they are one color, but they are really a different color. Of course, people can do whatever they want, and they might not even care what their color is, but some people do and it could really help.
But when I saw his color, he radiated violet. At first I saw the violet about 3 feet away from his body and the beginnings of another color I couldn't quite make out near his face. But the second time I had a look, the violet was more pronounced. The color was around his face and around his whole body.
I was curious about this because I hadn't expected to see violet at all, so I asked him to take the color test at beginning of Life Colors. He scored Environmental tan/ Sensitive tan - which is exactly what my grandfather (his father) scored and what I would have expected. I looked at his color again, and again, it was violet. There is no doubt, I keep seeing violet. The last time I looked at his color, I started to see flecks of blue in it as well. But I couldn't make the blue stable. It showed itself and then it disappeared. Apparently, violet is the easiest color to see, which would explain why it's harder for me to get a clear picture of the blue.
I'm still amazed by the fact that my uncle is violet. It makes me wonder what to do about that - I mean, he thinks he's a tan, but I keep seeing violet. So what does that mean? If he aligned his life with his color and acted more like a violet, how would his life change? Would he have a more fulfilling life? What do you do and what is the responsibility when you can see that in someone? Not that I think my uncle's life is bad or unfulfilling in anyway, but I wonder... what if he knew he was violet, and started acting more like a violet, how would he change?
Now my aunt. I actually saw her color before I saw my uncle's. Yellow appeared by her face. It was hard for me to see and I didn't see much, just a bit around her face, but that was enough. As soon as I saw that in her it made sense. She is very much a yellow - very fun to be around and always laughing and having a good time. She said the description of the yellow's in Pam Oslie's book was like an extreme version of herself and that it described about 75% of her.
There was also another color around my aunt that I couldn't quite make out. I had been looking at her aura for about 1/2 an hour when I started to see it, and I had a bit of a headache from concentrating so much, so I didn't look any longer and haven't looked since. But I am curious to see what that other color is. She took the test and came out a Sensitive Tan/ Green. Reading the description, she is definitely not a sensitive tan and she said the Green described her about 50%. So maybe that is the other color I couldn't quite make out.
With her too, I'm interested in the differing test results vs. the colors I see. She knew instantly that she wasn't a Sensitive Tan when we read about them, but then why did she come out that color? And why didn't she score higher on the Yellow section of the test when the description fit her so well.
The first time I read about my color, I shook and felt faint and had to sit down to finish reading, it described me so well. I felt like for the first time in my life someone finally understood me - someone finally really got me. And this came from a woman I never met or even ever heard of until the moment I picked up her book in the bookstore. It was a profound awakening for me. But I knew I had the right color because I saw it - I didn't even take the test.
I wonder if others would have such a profound experience if they understood what their aura color said about them and what it meant in their lives. What if everybody aligned themselves with their true life purpose. What if everyone knew themselves that well. It's empowering.
I'm not questioning the validity of the test, but I am questioning what to do when you come across someone who behaves as one color, or thinks they are one color, but they are really a different color. Of course, people can do whatever they want, and they might not even care what their color is, but some people do and it could really help.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
The first time I saw my own aura
Just like most everyone these days, I am very busy. It's often hard to find time to practice viewing auras. I find it helpful to keep my cross exercise out in the open where I see it everyday and can easily take a few minutes to concentrate. Sometimes I'll be doing something else and I'll see someone's aura or an auric pair color and that will remind me to practice.
That's what happened the first time I decided to try to see my own aura in the mirror. I was sitting down vaguely staring at a bright red Santa Clause apron when I saw the auric pair color of the red. It reminded me that I hadn't practiced seeing in quite some time. I was away from home and although I had brought my cross exercise with me, I didn't have it set up and felt too lazy to find a comfortable place to practice. Since I was right next to a mirror, I decided that was the perfect opportunity to try to view my own aura.
Practicing the cross exercise had helped immensely because it taught me how to look... how to focus my eyes, what to look at, and how to see out of my peripheral vision. Within a minute I was able to see a glowing white halo around my head area - the same glow I had previously observed in other people. I have always had a long attention span for looking in the mirror and I since was particularly intrigued by seeing my own aura, I was able to stay focused for quite some time. I can't tell you exactly how long I looked, because time seems to take on a different dimension in that state of mind, but if I were to guess, I'd say it was about twenty minutes.
At that point, I started seeing some flashes of color in front of my face. They were very elusive... they didn't stay in place and if I tried to look at them, if I tried to focus on them, they went away. I could describe it as little shapes of color... squiggles, lines, and blotches. The colors were so elusive I felt like I was seeing things that weren't really there. But I'd read enough about auras at this point to know that it's common for beginners to think their eyes are playing tricks on them and I knew that I was just beginning to see glimpses of my color.
Seeing the color inspired me to practice more. I practiced again the next day with the same results. Then, the third time I practiced this exercise, I saw my own aura... bright and clear in the mirror. It was a big halo of color around my face. At times I was able to see it extend a few away from my body... other times I was only able to see the color around my face. It was like a violet cloud of smoke... it was transparent and I could still see my face, clothes, and other objects around me through it.
As I continued to look at the color, I didn't want to move... I didn't want to blink... I wanted to keep my attention on my color to make sure it was real. If I looked in a certain way or if I'd blink, the image would disappear and I'd have to concentrate again to see it. It felt like a game of hide and go seek or tag... one second it was there, the next it was gone, then it would come back again. I was afraid I was seeing things and since this is all so new to me, it's hard to remember what it looks like when I'm not experiencing it first hand.
It's hard to describe the feeling I had the first time I saw my color. At first, I wanted to think it was just like any other life event and not really anything important. But I couldn't shake the feeling that I'd just experienced something profound.
Immediately I began thinking of who I wanted to tell, and then had a terrible feeling that everything I'd just experienced in the past year had been a dream. A the same time, I felt intuitively that everything was going to be okay. All the pain, all the loss, any feelings of emptiness and purposelessness were gone. It was like a clearing away of the beliefs and patterns that weren't serving me. It was like suddenly it all made sense, but I couldn't describe it to you if you'd asked. I was shaking and nervous and wide awake and knew I couldn't yet grasp the implications of this.
Okay, breathe. Writing about this now, is bringing me back to that night. The next day I found something that put words to what I was feeling... it was exactly what I'd been looking for, even though I hadn't been looking for it. But I'll save that for the next post.
That's what happened the first time I decided to try to see my own aura in the mirror. I was sitting down vaguely staring at a bright red Santa Clause apron when I saw the auric pair color of the red. It reminded me that I hadn't practiced seeing in quite some time. I was away from home and although I had brought my cross exercise with me, I didn't have it set up and felt too lazy to find a comfortable place to practice. Since I was right next to a mirror, I decided that was the perfect opportunity to try to view my own aura.
Practicing the cross exercise had helped immensely because it taught me how to look... how to focus my eyes, what to look at, and how to see out of my peripheral vision. Within a minute I was able to see a glowing white halo around my head area - the same glow I had previously observed in other people. I have always had a long attention span for looking in the mirror and I since was particularly intrigued by seeing my own aura, I was able to stay focused for quite some time. I can't tell you exactly how long I looked, because time seems to take on a different dimension in that state of mind, but if I were to guess, I'd say it was about twenty minutes.
At that point, I started seeing some flashes of color in front of my face. They were very elusive... they didn't stay in place and if I tried to look at them, if I tried to focus on them, they went away. I could describe it as little shapes of color... squiggles, lines, and blotches. The colors were so elusive I felt like I was seeing things that weren't really there. But I'd read enough about auras at this point to know that it's common for beginners to think their eyes are playing tricks on them and I knew that I was just beginning to see glimpses of my color.
Seeing the color inspired me to practice more. I practiced again the next day with the same results. Then, the third time I practiced this exercise, I saw my own aura... bright and clear in the mirror. It was a big halo of color around my face. At times I was able to see it extend a few away from my body... other times I was only able to see the color around my face. It was like a violet cloud of smoke... it was transparent and I could still see my face, clothes, and other objects around me through it.
As I continued to look at the color, I didn't want to move... I didn't want to blink... I wanted to keep my attention on my color to make sure it was real. If I looked in a certain way or if I'd blink, the image would disappear and I'd have to concentrate again to see it. It felt like a game of hide and go seek or tag... one second it was there, the next it was gone, then it would come back again. I was afraid I was seeing things and since this is all so new to me, it's hard to remember what it looks like when I'm not experiencing it first hand.
It's hard to describe the feeling I had the first time I saw my color. At first, I wanted to think it was just like any other life event and not really anything important. But I couldn't shake the feeling that I'd just experienced something profound.
Immediately I began thinking of who I wanted to tell, and then had a terrible feeling that everything I'd just experienced in the past year had been a dream. A the same time, I felt intuitively that everything was going to be okay. All the pain, all the loss, any feelings of emptiness and purposelessness were gone. It was like a clearing away of the beliefs and patterns that weren't serving me. It was like suddenly it all made sense, but I couldn't describe it to you if you'd asked. I was shaking and nervous and wide awake and knew I couldn't yet grasp the implications of this.
Okay, breathe. Writing about this now, is bringing me back to that night. The next day I found something that put words to what I was feeling... it was exactly what I'd been looking for, even though I hadn't been looking for it. But I'll save that for the next post.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Practicing on Human Auras
As exciting as it is to stare at blue and red circles, obtaining a perfectly balanced cross is not the end goal. The whole point of doing the exercises I talked about in my last post is to train your brain and your eyes to be able to see human auras. That's the fun part - and it's fun to practice and track your progress on actual people.
Seeing Human Auras Exercise
Once you're comfortable using peripheral vision and have practiced the cross exercise a few times, you can start practicing on human subjects. Of course, if you really want to get good at this, you'll still need to keep practicing the cross exercise, but you can also add human subjects as well.
Church is an excellent place to practice seeing auras because it sets up the perfect viewing conditions. Beginners will need to stare at their subject for an extended period of time and it's easier to see the auric body on a plain white background. Church automatically sets up these conditions: you sit in pews staring at the minister who is at pulpit talking for an extended period of time, usually against a plain white background. No one knows what you are doing, and neither you nor the minister has to feel self-conscious because you are expected to look at him, and everybody else is doing it too.
Stare directly at the minister (or priest, or speaker, or whoever your subject is), focusing on the center of his forehead. Use the same type of peripheral vision you used when looking at the black dot in the exercise I talked about in my 3/13/2010 post. After a while, you will start to see a glow around the person's head. It may appear to be yellow, white, or even light green.
You are NOT seeing things. You're eyes are NOT playing tricks on you. You are seeing the person's aura. This is the inner most layer of the aura and is the easiest to see. Some people refer to it as the Ethereal body.
It's tempting to dismiss what you are seeing as your eyes playing tricks on you. They are NOT. You may even be tempted to think you are seeing an after image (an optical illusion where you see the reverse color of an image after staring at it too long). Again, this is not the case. An after image will disappear after a few seconds, this will not. What you are seeing is the person's aura.
Human Aura vs. Auric Colors
Now, you have to be careful here, especially as a beginner. It's important not to confuse the human aura for the auric color of the person's clothing. This is why looking at the head is important because it is generally not covered.
Remember how you saw a different color coming from the blue and red circles in dot peripheral vision exercise? Clothing will give off the same auric images. So that you don't confuse the human aura with the auric colors of clothing, here is a list of auric pairs (originally published at: How to see and READ the AURA: Part 2):
red gives turquoise aura, turquoise gives red aura
orange gives blue aura, blue gives orange aura
yellow gives violet aura, violet gives yellow aura
green gives pink aura, pink gives green aura
If you see one of these combinations of colors, check to make sure you are not seeing the auric color of the person's clothings.
I experience these color pairs slightly different than described above (and you may too), but the general principle still applies. One of the first times I began practicing this, I was in church and I saw two things. First I saw a faint greenish aura appear around the minister's head. Then I noticed that emanating from around his shoulders was a bright yellow aura that faded into the green. This minister was wearing a blue sash on his robe and the yellow glow was the auric pair of the sash. With practice you will be able to discern the auric pair of clothing from actual aura.
Seeing Human Auras Exercise
Once you're comfortable using peripheral vision and have practiced the cross exercise a few times, you can start practicing on human subjects. Of course, if you really want to get good at this, you'll still need to keep practicing the cross exercise, but you can also add human subjects as well.
Church is an excellent place to practice seeing auras because it sets up the perfect viewing conditions. Beginners will need to stare at their subject for an extended period of time and it's easier to see the auric body on a plain white background. Church automatically sets up these conditions: you sit in pews staring at the minister who is at pulpit talking for an extended period of time, usually against a plain white background. No one knows what you are doing, and neither you nor the minister has to feel self-conscious because you are expected to look at him, and everybody else is doing it too.
Stare directly at the minister (or priest, or speaker, or whoever your subject is), focusing on the center of his forehead. Use the same type of peripheral vision you used when looking at the black dot in the exercise I talked about in my 3/13/2010 post. After a while, you will start to see a glow around the person's head. It may appear to be yellow, white, or even light green.
You are NOT seeing things. You're eyes are NOT playing tricks on you. You are seeing the person's aura. This is the inner most layer of the aura and is the easiest to see. Some people refer to it as the Ethereal body.
It's tempting to dismiss what you are seeing as your eyes playing tricks on you. They are NOT. You may even be tempted to think you are seeing an after image (an optical illusion where you see the reverse color of an image after staring at it too long). Again, this is not the case. An after image will disappear after a few seconds, this will not. What you are seeing is the person's aura.
Human Aura vs. Auric Colors
Now, you have to be careful here, especially as a beginner. It's important not to confuse the human aura for the auric color of the person's clothing. This is why looking at the head is important because it is generally not covered.
Remember how you saw a different color coming from the blue and red circles in dot peripheral vision exercise? Clothing will give off the same auric images. So that you don't confuse the human aura with the auric colors of clothing, here is a list of auric pairs (originally published at: How to see and READ the AURA: Part 2):
red gives turquoise aura, turquoise gives red aura
orange gives blue aura, blue gives orange aura
yellow gives violet aura, violet gives yellow aura
green gives pink aura, pink gives green aura
If you see one of these combinations of colors, check to make sure you are not seeing the auric color of the person's clothings.
I experience these color pairs slightly different than described above (and you may too), but the general principle still applies. One of the first times I began practicing this, I was in church and I saw two things. First I saw a faint greenish aura appear around the minister's head. Then I noticed that emanating from around his shoulders was a bright yellow aura that faded into the green. This minister was wearing a blue sash on his robe and the yellow glow was the auric pair of the sash. With practice you will be able to discern the auric pair of clothing from actual aura.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Introduction to Auras video
Here's a short introduction video I found about auras. It contains a lot of visuals and offers a basic overview of what an aura is. Some of the information was actually pulled from the website I've been using to learn to see auras - In particular, the concentration exercise mentioned and the quotes (not the ones explaining the 7 aura bodies). Even though it's called "How to see Auras," it doesn't go into much detail, but it's interesting nonetheless.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Aura Seeing Exercises
Aura - Learn to see your Aura image with your own eyes
This is the first website I found that provides information and techniques on how to see auras. It's a great source of information on auras. Please don't get turned off by the stuff about the "Thiaoouba Prophecy" or "can the earth explode?" The site actually offers a wealth of information on auras and techniques and exercises so you can learn to see auras yourself - I've done them and they really work.
Aura Seeing Exercises
1. Peripheral Vision
The first skill you need to learn in order to see auras is how to use your peripheral vision. Since auras are light, you need to train your eyes to see a wider spectrum of light. Our eyes are more sensitive to light in the outer edges. However we have been trained to focus in such a way that we only use the center of our eyes, which are less receptive to light. Training yourself to use your peripheral vision will increase your eye's sensitivity to light and increase your ability to see auras.
This first exercise teaches you how to look when seeing auras. Print out the image below and place it about a yard in front of you. Stare at the black dot in the center of the image. Do not look directly at the cyan or red circles. You will begin to see two different colors appear around the circles - these are the auric colors.
This first exercise teaches you how to look when seeing auras. Print out the image below and place it about a yard in front of you. Stare at the black dot in the center of the image. Do not look directly at the cyan or red circles. You will begin to see two different colors appear around the circles - these are the auric colors.
2. Concentration Exercise - Cross
This next exercise is designed to increase your eyes' sensitivity to light as well as improve communication between the right and left hemispheres of your brain. Improving in these areas will help you see the human aura.
Print out the image below and stand about one yard away from it. Hold your pointer finger up about 6-12 inches in front of your face and position it so that it is in the center of the circles. Look just above your finger and attempt to make the two circles join together in the middle. The goal is to get a perfectly balanced cross to appear. If you are having trouble understanding what you are supposed to do, you will find a demo on the original website: How to see and read the aura
My Experience
I have been practicing this exercise for four months now (since November '09) and it is great. It really works. Right away I was able to see the auric colors of bright solid objects. The cross exercise is tricky and takes a lot of practice. However, I find it to be relaxing and find that 15 minutes of concentration can go by in an instant. At first it was difficult, if not impossible to get the cross to appear. For the first three months, the best I could do was get a wavering cross - I'd see the cross and then I'd see four circles, then I'd get a cross and then it'd be back to four circles. It takes a lot of concentration to get the cross to appear.
Now, I am at the point where I see the three circles, but one circle appears to be "in front" of the other one. I need to concentrate hard to make them switch positions or to get the cross to appear. But it's coming and with practice I imagine I'll be able to see the cross for a long period of time. Five minutes of seeing a steady, unwavering and balanced cross is the goal. I'm not there yet, but I am working on it.
After you've been practicing for a while, you'll see the auric colors around the blue and red circles too. As your concentrating on the getting the cross, notice what you can see in your peripheral vision. Eventually, you'll eyes will become much more sensitive to light as you train the two hemisphere's of your brain to communicate. This is where I am now. I have the image propped up against a bookshelf and the books appear much more vivid when I am concentrating on the cross than they normally do.
This next exercise is designed to increase your eyes' sensitivity to light as well as improve communication between the right and left hemispheres of your brain. Improving in these areas will help you see the human aura.
Print out the image below and stand about one yard away from it. Hold your pointer finger up about 6-12 inches in front of your face and position it so that it is in the center of the circles. Look just above your finger and attempt to make the two circles join together in the middle. The goal is to get a perfectly balanced cross to appear. If you are having trouble understanding what you are supposed to do, you will find a demo on the original website: How to see and read the aura
My Experience
I have been practicing this exercise for four months now (since November '09) and it is great. It really works. Right away I was able to see the auric colors of bright solid objects. The cross exercise is tricky and takes a lot of practice. However, I find it to be relaxing and find that 15 minutes of concentration can go by in an instant. At first it was difficult, if not impossible to get the cross to appear. For the first three months, the best I could do was get a wavering cross - I'd see the cross and then I'd see four circles, then I'd get a cross and then it'd be back to four circles. It takes a lot of concentration to get the cross to appear.
Now, I am at the point where I see the three circles, but one circle appears to be "in front" of the other one. I need to concentrate hard to make them switch positions or to get the cross to appear. But it's coming and with practice I imagine I'll be able to see the cross for a long period of time. Five minutes of seeing a steady, unwavering and balanced cross is the goal. I'm not there yet, but I am working on it.
After you've been practicing for a while, you'll see the auric colors around the blue and red circles too. As your concentrating on the getting the cross, notice what you can see in your peripheral vision. Eventually, you'll eyes will become much more sensitive to light as you train the two hemisphere's of your brain to communicate. This is where I am now. I have the image propped up against a bookshelf and the books appear much more vivid when I am concentrating on the cross than they normally do.
Energy projecting from the aura
I had another aura first last night. I like to watch TV with my grandparents because it gives me time to practice looking at their auras. Last night we were watching a 20/20 report on schizophrenic kids and all the troubles they have - violence, hallucinations, hearing voices, etc... I was watching my grandfather's aura - which I usually have trouble seeing - and I saw his energy go towards the television. There were three peaks in his aura around his head, like mountains, I'd say, and they spiked up and went in the direction of the children. Then when the commercials started, they went away.
My grandfather is such an empathetic man, I know he felt for those children. He's the type of person who can really put himself in the position of others and will reach out to them. I know that's what happened last night when we were watching TV. It was cool though to actually see it.
My grandfather is such an empathetic man, I know he felt for those children. He's the type of person who can really put himself in the position of others and will reach out to them. I know that's what happened last night when we were watching TV. It was cool though to actually see it.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Welcome to my blog
Turning thirty seems to be a big deal these days. I see my friends starting to panic, like it's the end of an era, the end of youth. Another trend I see is people learning a new skill or setting a goal to achieve before they enter that dreaded fourth decade of life. And so, like many other before me, I am jumping on the bandwagon of blogging about a goal I want to achieve before I turn thirty.
My goal is to learn to see and read auras. My own and other peoples. I must confess, I have already started this journey and reached several milestones in the process. It didn't occur to me to blog about it for quite some time and as I reached yet another milestone last night, I decided it was finally time to keep a record of my experience.
I am not here to convince you that people have auras. Nor I am here to convince you that it's possible to see them with your naked eye. If that's not something you believe, I kindly invite you to stop reading. However, for those of you who may be interested in seeing auras yourself, I am here to share my experience with you. I wouldn't be able to do it with the guidance of more experienced practitioners and I want to share what I have learned on my journey with those want to develop this skill.
At this point, I am able to see my own aura in the mirror. It's not a fluke or an accident, I can do it at will and I can repeat it, though it takes several minutes of concentration for any color to appear. For quite some time (since December '09), I have been able to see a glowing halo around other people. Sometimes it takes intense concentration, other times they appear without trying. Last night, for the first time, I saw another person's color.
One thing I LOVE about the internet is the ease of access to information. The downside is that there is a lot of garbage out there too. I've found many excellent aura resources and I've also found lots of junk that gets recycled and used over and over again. Unfortunately since most people can't see auras, it's hard for the average person to tell what is credible and what is not. I'll share the best resources I've come across on the internet and elsewhere.
I have a lot to share, but it can't be done all at once. So I'll stop here for now. It's a tease, I know, but there will be more.
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